The Liturgy Project

A project by the Diocese of Portsmouth Liturgical Formation Team

"In the Eucharist and in all the sacraments we are guaranteed the possibility of encountering the Lord Jesus and of having the power of his Paschal Mystery reach us."
Pope Francis

This Sunday

Third Sunday in Lent

March 23, 2025

Today we celebrate the Lord of compassion who rescues us from our slavery to sin, if only we would listen to his serious warnings to repent.

Next Sunday

Fourth Sunday in Lent

March 30, 2025

The gospel of the prodigal son illustrates God's abundant mercy and shows us that we only need to turn towards God for our merciful father to run out to meet us and usher us home.

Sunday after next

Fifth Sunday in Lent

April 6, 2025

There is nothing more important in life than compassion for a fellow human being.

Any questions?

Do you have questions about the liturgy and how we are called to participate in it? Explore how the Church councils, saints and popes have answered this key question and many more.

Discover the Mass

Every movement of the Mass is rich in meaning but we can become over familiar with it. Rediscover the Mass and explore how it relates to the Exodus story, where many of its rituals come from and how it makes Jesus present to us today.

Scripture Formation Resources

Information created by Fleur Dorrell to accompany the new lectionary can be viewed online, or downloaded here.

The Society of Saint Gregory

The Society of Saint Gregory is the national society for liturgy and music in the Roman Catholic Church in the UK.

A gift from our diocese

The Liturgy Project is a project of the The Catholic Diocese of Portsmouth which is available to all. It exists to help people to encounter Christ through the liturgy of the Holy Mass. We hope that it can serve you as a liturgical resource and respond to the needs of those serving in the local church and to empower them to fully participate in the liturgy where they are.