What is the role of the musician in the Mass?

What is the role of the musician in the Mass?

The main role of the musician is to enhance the liturgy, to facilitate a fruitful encounter of Christ in and through the liturgy. As St Augustine mentioned: “Those who sing well pray twice.” Singing is therefore vital for the liturgical celebration, as it greatly aids in helping the assembly to pray and therefore to enter into the mysteries of the celebration.

In the first place this will most likely be by leading or supporting the congregational singing. In this role, the musician should be servant to: the liturgy, in terms of faithfully observing the General Instructions of the Roman Missal; the liturgical celebration; and to the liturgical assembly. It is about approaching the music with a sense of humility to allow the music to speak for itself.

The musician should never draw attention to themselves, but with all different liturgical ministries it must be done for the glory of God and sanctification of the faithful, and not for one’s vanity. Likewise, the musician's work depends on the resources of the parish, to enrich the liturgy with vocal or instrumental music appropriate to the particular moment in the Mass.

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