What should we pray for in our bidding prayers?

What should we pray for in our bidding prayers?

It should be remembered that these are not prayers but invitations to prayer. It is necessary, therefore, that after each bidding there should be a significant pause to allow the people to pray before the verse to which the people reply is said. The verse is not the prayer!

It is clearly stated in the rules that govern the celebration of the Mass that the people should pray for the Church, the world, the suffering, and the local community. Each bidding should be short, succinct, topical, and varied in style, not reading like a litany.

For example,

- During this week of Prayer for Unity we pray that we may learn to listen to people of other churches, come to understand one another better and learn from one another so that we may act together in the service of the world.

- Our world is ravaged by warfare and conflict , we pray for the leaders and government of the nations that they may be touched by the spirit of wisdom and work together to bring about world peace.

- The Corona Virus is still with us and we pray for all those who are infected, especially in China and all those who are caring for them, and we remember especially all who have been bereaved.

- There are still people in our city who are homeless or badly housed we pray that we may find ways and means of helping them.

Please see the General Instruction of the Roman Missal 69 - 71 for further information.