Fifth Sunday of Easter

Fifth Sunday of Easter

May 7, 2023

Year A


Discover the deeper meaning and connections found in this week's readings, through these great commentaries written by our priests.

The Word

Explore this week's readings and hear what God is saying to us through His Word.

Liturgy notes

Find out more about how we can mark this special day in our liturgy.


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By Fr Anthony Fyk

A major theme found in today’s readings is that of ministries in the new Christian Community. In the first reading we find the organisation of this community. Now that the Lord had risen and withdrawn his visible presence, the Church, the Body of Christ, continues his presence on earth. The Church is an extension of this reality. To ensure that the manifestation continues in orderly manner, certain ministries of service are instituted to transmit and to ensure the Word of God and the celebration of the mysteries are continued.

Related to this theme, and found in the second reading, is that the whole Church is a sacrament of salvation for the world. We all living stones of the Church and share in the one priesthood of Christ. We are part of the royal priesthood. All the faithful, by baptism and confirmation, are consecrated and are holy priests, offering our whole lives to God as a spiritual sacrifice. Some faithful are dedicated as ministerial priests, in the service of the common priesthood. Both are ordered to each other in supporting each other. 

The Christian community, the Church, are those who follow the Way, the Truth, and the Life. The Church is not a private members' club for an exclusive group, but a place for all that embraces everyone. They are people who follow the Way, the Truth, and the Life – entering into a personal relationship with Jesus. And those who remain in Christ bear much fruit or goodness and live in love with each other. Christ is the means for us to encounter God, and the Church continues this mission by showing us the way to the Father in word and in sacrament.

Liturgy notes

Fr Derek Reeve


Acts 6/1-7     :    First letter of Peter 2/4-9    :     John 14/1-12


Good to replace the Penitential Rite with the sprinkling from the Font which can take place after the greeting during the Entry Procession, if the Mass begins at the Font.

The collect prayer might be introduced by Let us pray that as we have died and risen with Jesus in our Baptism so may our lives bear the fruits of love (see Gospel reading ‘greater works etc.’)

The reading from the Acts illustrates the ‘synodal’ church where everyone is involved in the selection of the Seven. It would be good to introduce the reading with a mention of this.

The reading from Peter’s First letter might be introduced with a reminder that the people about whom the author is speaking is the people present in the church, ‘a chosen race….wonderful light’.

The Gospel reading might be introduced with a reminder that Jesus in the Gospel reading is speaking to the people assembled in the church and that if we truly believe in him will perform even greater works than he which is a challenge. What does he mean?

Music recommendations

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