What is the role of the reader?

What is the role of the reader?

The reader is a minister of the Word of God - the Scriptures - and the word ‘minister’ means a servant. So the reader is a servant of the Word of God. As a servant the reader ought to approach the Word humbly, allowing the Word to speak to them first. That means they must prepare what they are to read carefully and prayerfully, preferably some days before, so that the reading may take root in their hearts.

Once at the lectern the reader must treat the lectionary with love and respect since it is the Word of God. The reader is not a performer. Their role is to proclaim the Word of God. They must, therefore, speak slowly, clearly, and loudly, making sure that they have mastered any sound system that may be in use.

After the reading is announced there should be a slight pause before beginning the sacred text. At the end there ought also to be a slight pause before proclaiming ‘The Word of the Lord’.

Finally the reader should not move for a few moments so as not to interrupt the silence that should be kept after the reading. Please see the General Instruction of the Roman Missal 99 and 101 for further information.

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